The Dark Tower: 15 Easter Eggs You Probably Missed

5. The Red Fields Of None

The Dark Tower Easter Egg
Columbia Pictures

Jake Chambers produces sketches based on the weird stuff his sees in his nightmares and visions and pins them on his bedroom wall. As you do.

Early in the film, an over-the-shoulder shot gives us a nice tapestry of these sketches. Most of them are of Roland or the Man in Black, but another evokes a major plot point from the Dark Tower novels that goes unaddressed on screen.

To the left of Jake is a sketch of the titular tower, and at its base is a garden of red roses. As any fan of the books will tell you, this is no ordinary shrubbery patch.

The roses in the Red Fields of None emit a siren song which draws pilgrims towards the mystical structure, and they actually serve as the backdrop for the final battle between Roland and the Crimson King.

One of the roses can also be found in New York City in a vacant lot, and the destruction of this flower would have seen the tower fall; but apparently that isn't significant enough to justify including it in the movie.


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