The Dark Tower: 15 Easter Eggs You Probably Missed

4. The Crimson King

The Dark Tower Easter Egg
Sony Pictures

After watching The Dark Tower, you'd be forgiven for thinking the story is all about Roland versus the Man in Black, but there's a bigger picture in the novels.

The Man in Black is merely a servant of the saga's big bad, The Crimson King, whose existence is only acknowledged in the movie by some graffiti scrawled onto a wall.

During the scene where Jake finds his way to Dutch Hill in Brooklyn, he notes some text penned in red on one of the walls - "All Hail The Crimson King". The Man in Black later visits the same location and run his hand across the message.

The Crimson King is basically The Dark Tower's Sauron, an evil presence that hangs over the saga. Presumably he's being saved for a future sequel, but whether Sony will ever get to make one is debatable based on this movie's poor reception.


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