The Disaster Artist: 10 Biggest Book Omissions

5. Greg's Role In Patch Adams

The way that Greg Sestero's story of trying to become an actor was portrayed in the film adaptation of The Disaster Artist would have you believe that Sestero had absolutely no luck whatsoever when it came to landing roles before the idea for The Room was hatched.

However, this isn't entirely true.

While Sestero definitely struggled to find work as an actor, he did occasionally catch a break. One such instance he recounts in his book is when he landed a role as a featured extra in the 1998 Robin Williams movie Patch Adams. (He also expressed his resentment for the oxymoronic term "featured extra".)

In Patch Adams' funeral scene, Sestero can clearly be seen in the foreground mourning a character's loss while consoling an apparent family member.

Unfortunately, he was originally advised not to put the film on his résumé, since its director didn't remember him and potential employers might think he was lying. However, Sestero's agent, Iris Burton, did eventually confirm that Sestero had, in fact, made the final cut. After seeing the mere few seconds he spent on-screen, Burton quipped "maybe you'll win best supporting actor."


A film-loving wrestling fan from west Texas who will live and die by the statement that Return of the Jedi is the best Star Wars movie and unironically cherishes the brief moment and time when Deuce & Domino were WWE Tag Team Champions. Hates honey, but loves honey mustard.