The Disaster Artist: 10 Biggest Book Omissions

6. The Chaos Behind The Party Scene

The Disaster Artist James Franco
TPW Films

While The Disaster Artist did show the behind-the-scenes details of some of The Room's most bizarre, infamous moments (most notably the "oh, hi Mark" scene), there is one major sequence of events that was left out: the filming of Johnny's (Tommy Wiseau's character in The Room) birthday scene.

While filming that scene, Wiseau was being his usual self and was constantly looking at the floor while walking around because he couldn't remember where he was supposed to stop. In addition, a shot where Johnny is talking to his guests had to be done over repeatedly. In fact, the best shot they managed to get was one where Wiseau waving to the cameraman to let him know he was ready to start.

The shots of Wiseau staring at his feet and annihilating the fourth wall both made the final film.

Shooting this scene was also nearly Greg Sestero's breaking point. He had put up with having to read so much of Wiseau's ludicrous dialogue that being asked to angrily say "leave your stupid comments in your pocket" was where he drew the line.

He flat out refused to say the bizarre line at first, only swallowing his frustration and getting it over with after convincing himself that no one would ever see the movie.


A film-loving wrestling fan from west Texas who will live and die by the statement that Return of the Jedi is the best Star Wars movie and unironically cherishes the brief moment and time when Deuce & Domino were WWE Tag Team Champions. Hates honey, but loves honey mustard.