The Divergent Series: Allegiant Review - 11 Reasons It Might Be 2016's Worst Film

2. It Insults Everyone's Intelligence

Look, the target demographic for these movies is like 12-18 or something, so they're obviously written with that audience in mind; namely that they're probably there more for the sexy actors and CGI-driven action rather than the water-tight plotting and characterisation of an Oscar-winning masterpiece. Still, though, literally hundreds of films aimed at young audiences have proven that they don't need to talk down to them: here the movie is so incoherent and slippery with its logic that while adults will absolutely be left groaning, even "undemanding" youngsters may find themselves picking the plot to pieces. Two easy examples are that the Bureau of Genetic Welfare, despite being a technologically advanced Oasis, has some of the worst security measures known to mankind. Four hijacks an elevator with a top-ranking officer on it, and apparently she's unable to use her voice or any technology on her person to stop it (despite other characters being shown to possess similar devices). Then Tris just ups and steals a ship from David's office, and apparently he lacks the power to remotely disable the ship mid-flight or anything like that. Given the absurd amount of tech surrounding him, it's hilariously awful that these sort of things have been overlooked, especially when they don't really fall under the "but it's a movie!" qualifier. There were surely other ways to make these moments work within the context of the Bureau's awesome technology.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.