The Divergent Series: Allegiant Review - 11 Reasons It Might Be 2016's Worst Film

3. It's So, So Predictable

Perhaps it's simply that the YA genre clings to a lot of the same tropes, but boy, this film is super-predictable from the get-go. If you've not read the book, you don't even need to watch the spoilerific trailers to figure out that Jeff Daniels' apparent good guy is in fact the ultimate antagonist, a move the audience can see coming about an hour before Tris does, making it all the more eye-rolling and laughable to watch unfold. Sure, we knew that David probably wouldn't be properly vanquished at the end as this is a two-part movie, and that's fine, but the plot for this one really just reached into the fantasy grab bag, pulled out a few cards and churned them into the homogenous slop that is this movie. Going by how many fans protest the ending of the book, though, hopefully Ascendant won't seem quite so generic, at least by comparison.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.