The Expendables 3 - 13 Easter Eggs & References You Need To Know

9. Bruce Willis

To those who haven't been following the production of EX3, Bruce Willis will be conspicuous by his absence after appearing as CIA spook Church in the previous two movies. Though his name is briefly mentioned as setting up the job to rescue Doc, he's replaced this time by Max Drummer (Harrison Ford), another CIA stuffed shirt who, when asked about Church, tells Barney that he's "out of the picture". This is a reference to the fact that Willis was asked to return for EX3 and offered $3 million for 4 days of filming, though greedily held out for $4 million and was bumped from the project. This caused an angry Stallone to tweet, "€œGREEDY AND LAZY ...... A SURE FORMULA FOR CAREER FAILURE", before replacing him with Ford just mere days later, tweeting, "WILLIS OUT... HARRISON FORD IN !!!! GREAT NEWS !!!!! Been waiting years for this!!!!" Another tongue-in-cheek rib of Willis appears just ahead of the final battle, as Yin Yang's (Jet Li) is insulted by Drummer and then declares, "And I thought Church was an a**hole."

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.