The "F" Word: The All-Time Profanity List

7. South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut In 1999, Trey Parker and Matt Stone took their already controversial and profane animated TV series South Park to the big screen, and let the expletives soar. In an ironic case of art imitating life, South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut follows the boys from South Park as they do battle with angry parents and censors over an R rated animated movie they sneak in to go see, turning the boys into foul mouthed hellions, quoting curse words from the movie. They inadvertently start a war with Canada over the course of the film, and satire ensues in this hilarious musical comedy. Although the F-word is only used 115 times, it is the most profane animated film of all time, and cleverly uses tongue in cheek humour to make quite a commentary on how a simple four letter word can cause such an uproar, where a country is willing to enter a war to defend those words. The film's song-score features a song called "Blame Canada", which is the first ever song nominated for the Best Original Song Oscar to contain the word F#@k in it's lyric. Not a bad accolade for a handful of F-Bombs.
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Kyle Hytonen is a film school grad, an independent film-maker, photographer and sleeper-inner.