Fantastic Four: 10 Things That Could Save The Reboot

1. Reed Vs. Reed

What makes the Fantastic Four reboot so exciting is the sheer number of possibilities involved. The fact that the filmmakers are going with the Ultimate "N-Zone" origin story opens up innumerable avenues. In the Ultimate Fantastic Four comics, Reed Richards manages to contact the "original" and older Earth-616 version of himself. This leads "Ultimate" Reed to open a portal between the two planes of existence. As it turns out, the "original" Reed was just a projection meant to fool "Ultimate" Reed into opening the portal so that a zombified Fantastic Four and their ilk can use the Ultimate Universe as a new feeding ground. Picture this: Miles Teller (As Reed) is working on the Quantum Gate. As he is fine-tuning the controls, we see a brief, but clear, vision of Ionn Gruffudd (reprising his role as original Reed) in the Gate looking back at him. It could end there as nothing more than an Easter Egg, or it could be the planted seed that sprouts into a future sub-plot into the Marvel Zombies universe. In a world where geeky is now cool, superheroes and zombies are at the top of popular culture. It's like chocolate and peanut butter. Are you looking forward to Fantastic Four? What do you want to see from it? Share your thoughts below in the comments thread.

George is a life-long fan of genre, wrestling and guitars. He is an actor, writer, CrossFit trainer and former WWE storyline writer. He currently works as talent development for PWX wrestling and resides in the birthplace of the zombie movie, Pittsburgh, PA.