Fantastic Four: 10 Things That Could Save The Reboot

10. Bring The Darker Side Of Invisible Woman

In the original Fantastic Four movies, Jessica Alba portrayed a very sweet and easily palatable Invisible Woman, complete with predictable "accidental nude" scene of course. She did push her powers to the limit a couple of times, but ultimately there was no real... edge to Sue Storm. With the reboot, director Josh Trask has a real opportunity to create more investment in each member of the team. Adding dimensions to our intergalactic heroes would go a long way in shaking the FF out of pop culture atrophy. From what is already known, Kate Mara (who naturally has more moxie than Alba) is a Caucasian who was adopted by the African American Dr. Franklin Storm. From the trailer, this only seems to make her bond to adoptive brother Johnny even stronger. We see that Johnny gets injured and Sue looks quite distraught while attending to him. Let's see this version of Sue, who has obviously overcome some adversity, give in to the temptation to use her powers for some good old fashioned tail-kicking. Creating a force field inside of the heart of her brother's attacker and explosively expanding it would certainly add to an interesting character arc. She will always be the woman who falls in love with Mr. Fantastic, but the modern genre fan is ready for a tougher Invisible Woman.

George is a life-long fan of genre, wrestling and guitars. He is an actor, writer, CrossFit trainer and former WWE storyline writer. He currently works as talent development for PWX wrestling and resides in the birthplace of the zombie movie, Pittsburgh, PA.