The Fantastic Four: 10 Things You Need To Know

8. Mole Man Might Be In It As Well

Obviously Doctor Doom has to be the main villain in the first of the Fantastic Four reboots. He's their arch nemesis, and in most variations his origin story is somewhat linked with their own, being the college roommate of Reed Richards (Mr Fantastic), and part of the experiment that gives them their powers in some versions. He isn't the only member of their illustrious, colourful rogues gallery, however. Besides the planet eater Galactus €“ who will probably turn up at some point, although hopefully not as a cloud €“ the most infamous Fantastic Four villain is probably Mole Man who...lives underground and is near sighted? Harvey Elder is also a scientific genius, making €œmole men€ to do his bidding, and is set to appear in the film. Tim Blake Nelson will play Mole Man, or at least the man who would be Mole Man €“ it's not clear whether he'll have gone subterranean yet when he's introduced.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at