The Fate Of The Furious: 10 Best Moments

1. Hobbs & Deckard's Prison Break

The Fate Of The Furious Dwayne Johnson Jason Statham

As brilliantly entertaining as these aforementioned scenes were, not one of them can quite hold a candle to the thrilling prison break scene early on, in which Agent Hobbs is reluctantly sprung from prison by Mr. Nobody, along with Deckard Shaw.

It's an hilariously subversive spin on the usual prison break formula, with Hobbs desperately trying to stay in jail in order to prove his innocence, while also attempting to ensure that Shaw doesn't make it out.

In the end, though, Hobbs finds himself bouncing a SWAT team's beanbag bullets off his body, and so decides to start cracking some skulls. F. Gary Gray's kinetic direction is especially fantastic here, particularly during Shaw's parkour-esque escapades.

It's honestly the best fight scene in the entire series up to this point, and generally just a fantastically-assembled sequence.

What were your favourite moments from The Fate of the Furious? Shout them out in the comments!


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.