The Fate Of The Furious: 10 Best Moments

9. The Cuba Race

Fate Of The Furious Cuba

The film opens with Dom and Letty enjoying their honeymoon in Havana, Cuba, when Dom's cousin gets in over his head with a local thug, Raldo (Celestino Cornielle), who prides himself on being the best racer in Havana, and Dom decides to settle it by challenging Raldo to a street race.

Dom takes his cousin's crap-heap car and quickly tinkers around with the engine, pushing it to the brink while Raldo surges ahead in his robust vehicle. However, Dom overheats the car's engine in order to just barely score the win, mere seconds before his cousin's car explodes into a fireball, from which Dom just barely escapes.

It's a ludicrous introductory sequence that's pure goofy fun, all the more so as Dom lets Raldo keep his car (which becomes an important plot point later, when Raldo in turn helps Dom out), and then gifts his own Impala to his cousin as a replacement for wrecking his car.

That's how you start a Fast and the Furious movie, folks.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.