The Gentlemen Review: 6 Ups & 4 Downs
1. The Totally Cringe-Worthy Ending
No spoilers here, but as fun as the movie's occasionally meta flourishes are, Ritchie plays his hand a little too eagerly in the film's ridiculous final sequence.
Those fleeting winks at the audience become aggressive, annoying nudges in a finale that not-so-playfully hedges its bets for a potential sequel.
And while The Gentlemen 2 isn't a terrible idea by any means, the manner in which Ritchie angles for it here is, well, a bit embarrassing.
It's not movie-ruining by any means, but nevertheless suggests that Ritchie couldn't really figure out how to end the story and so simply had characters start tearing down the fourth wall just because.
But if you can forgive some of Ritchie's sillier indulgences and the overall unoriginality of the film, it does bring plenty to the table for his fans to enjoy...