The Good Dinosaur: 22 Easter Eggs & References You Probably Missed

10. Jaws

As Jaws is one of Peter Sohn's favourite films - by his own admission - it shouldn't be too surprising that he includes a couple of references. The bigger of the pair comes after Arlo has proven his mettle with the TRexes and helped round up the herd. The new friends sit around the fire trading stories of old injuries just as the sea-farers do in Jaws, and when it comes to Butch's turn, he goes full Quint, relating the story of when he fought off three crocodiles and got the nasty scar on his face. And then in the run to the finale, there's the sequence that sees the Jaws fin shots subverted - literally in fact - as the Pteradon gang's wings pierce through the storm's cloud cover menacing while they stalk their prey below.

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