The Hobbit: 10 Times Peter Jackson Ruined A Character

8. Tauriel's Unexplained Interest In Kili

Radagast Sylvester McCoy The Hobbit
New Line Cinema

When the news hit that Jackson was introducing a non-cannon character into the Hobbit, the internet almost imploded. One half was praising the addition of a bow wielding elf-maiden, who brought some balance to a sausage-heavy cast. The other half was ready to riot - with incels losing their sh*t about the inclusion of a female character. Whether you agreed with the inclusion of Tauriel or not, it can be agreed that Jackson dropped the ball when it came to the execution of her story arc.

Initially, Tauriel looked like she might pose an interesting question in the world of Middle-earth: Were some elves racists towards other elves? Early on it is implied that Legolas has the hots for Tauriel. His father is less than keen about this notion, however. Due to his son being a Sindar elf, Thranduil deems Tauriel unworthy of his affection given her lowly Silvan status.

It had the potential to be a complex Romeo and Juliet style romance, causing some real tension for the characters... , but like many setups in this trilogy, the payoff was almost non existent. Tauriel just ended up becoming besotted with a dwarf she's met once... , and Legolas' only reaction was to deliver some of his signature, mournful stares into the distance.


Before engrossing myself in the written word, I spent several years in the TV and film industry. During this time I became proficient at picking things up, moving things and putting things down again.