2. Bilbo & Gollum Riddle Game
To be fair, the Riddle Game between Bilbo and Gollum in Jackson's film is probably the best scene of the whole picture, as it allows Andy Serkis to shine as Gollum, and it also delivers the film's most potent comic relief. However, we've sort of already seen this before during the prologue sequence at the start of Fellowship of the Ring, and it looked pretty damn different. While we'd be pretty stupid to complain that the actors don't look the same, the problem is more with the fact that the dialogue was considerably different, and though this version naturally adheres much closer to the book, it creates a certain inconsistency for nerds who are going to want to watch these films all in succession one day. Given how much effort Jackson put into the Rings films, would it not have made sense to just ensure that the dialogue matched up to the novel? At least he has rectified this here, but it creates an inconsistency in the entire mythology which will aggravate the nerds no end.