1. Recycled Score

The awards for laziest film score of the year goes to Howard Shore for his work on The Hobbit, given how much of the music was pretty much exactly the same as what we'd heard in The Lord of the Rings films, other than the main theme. In the trilogy, this music evokes a sure, certain emotion than an entire generation of movie-goers specifically associates with key epic moments from those films, so to lazily supplant it onto an entirely new film feels incredibly tacky, as though not having enough faith in the script to work well enough with a new score; Shore instead resorts to the tried and tested emotional touchstones. Part of the problem again returns to the fact that The Lord of the Rings is an epic while The Hobbit is not; therefore using epic, moving music on a narrative that is absolutely
not epic - despite Jackson's efforts - results in an awkward composition that will just make savvy film buffs and Rings nerds feel manipulated. What did you think of The Hobbit? Let us know in the comments below.