The Hobbit: 5 Upcoming Scenes That Could Save The Series

2. The Battle of Five Armies

Battle_of_Five_Armies The name of this particular skirmish should be enough to get most fans excited. Fought between the Goblins and Wargs (bloody big wolves) of Moria, Gundabad and the Misty mountains and the men of Long Lake, Elves of Mirkwood, Dwarves of the Lonely Mountain and the Great eagles, it pretty much does what it says on the tin. What many may not be aware of is that the Return of the King gives a brief nod of the head to the Battle of the Five Armies. When the eagles arrive to do battle with the Nazgul in the last stand against Mordor, Pippin calls out €œthe Eagles are coming!€ This line was initially used by Bilbo when the eagles joined the fight against the Goblins. Not particularly important I€™ll grant you, but an interesting anecdote. Given the incredibly successful history of director, Peter Jackson, creating epic battles on an arguably unmatched scale, this could feasibly blow the rest of the series out of the water.

Freelance news and entertainment journalist and broadcaster based in Glasgow Scotland. Host of The Big WrestleShark Show every week on Pulse 98.4 and ring announcer for several pro-wrestling promotions.