The Hobbit Part 2: 10 Awesome Things We've Learnt From The New Trailer

1. ...But We Did Learn Some Things About Him

Smaug2 We may not get the money shot of Smaug, but there€™s enough in the latest trailer for the truly obsessive fan to come away satisfied about him. Before I go any further there has to be a mention of Benedict Cumberbatch. Already this year starring as a fan favourite villain in Star Trek, the voice he has for Smaug is a brilliant blend of his natural British accent and the reverberating growl we heard at in the last moments of An Unexpected Journey. Of course you can€™t conclude a whole character from a trailer clip, but from this he looks set to deliver everything we expected. Enough of the early praise; now onto the real meat. Freeze the trailer just before Smaug breathes fire at the camera and you can just about make out his silhouette. It€™s an incredibly dark shot (I€™ve lightened it up in the above image) but it€™s a tease that just about makes up for the complete lack of reveal because it tells us one important thing. From the looks of it being a shut in has had an effect of the dragon; Smaug is far from a bulky fella. What are you expecting from the next Hobbit movie? Anything else you found awesome about the latest The Desolation Of Smaug trailer? Go down to the comments and let us know.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.