The Hobbit Part 2: 10 Awesome Things We've Learnt From The New Trailer

2. We€™re Not Going To See The Dragon Properly Before Release...

Samug After teasing us throughout An Unexpected Journey (a film about a dragon that never shows the dragon) many people thought we€™d get a full money shot of Smaug within a few months. The teaser gave us a shadowed look at Smaug€™s head that tricked us into thinking we were being rewarded for our patience, but we€™re still really to get little more than a snippet. This trailer keeps the dragon completely removed from the action for most of its runtime, but even when he does turn up it€™s a shadowed underbelly or fast moving action shot where he€™s hidden by coins. I was positive by now we€™d have seen Jackson€™s take on Middle Earth€™s most impressive creature (what€™s cooler than a dragon), but now only two months from release it€™s fair to conclude it€™s going to be saved as a surprise for when you enter the cinema (or a toy distributor leaks it online). Smaug fills the same position as Gollum in this trilogy as far as interest goes (they€™re the most interesting creatures) and it€™s refreshing to see him get a similar treatment here (teased in the first film, a muted presence in the publicity, then finally revealed in the sequel).

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.