The Hobbit Part 2: 10 Awesome Things We've Learnt From The New Trailer

8. The Ring€™s Pull Will Be Explored

Ring2 In the book the One Ring is nothing more than a deux ex machina; Tolkien needed a way for Bilbo to become invisible to sneak into the LonelyMountain and so had him just happen upon a magic way for that to happen. The screen version of The Hobbit comes with a lot more baggage for that particular piece of jewellery - we€™ve had a trilogy of Oscar winning films around it after all €“ to the extent where fans were curious how much would be altered to allow the Ring€™s power to be explored. From the trailer the answer seems to be €˜a fair bit€™. In An Unexpected Journey the effect of putting on the Ring was much calmer than it looked in the original trilogy (assumedly because Sauron isn€™t back to full power yet) and it was just like the plot device Tolkien had used. For Desolation things are different; we not only get a cliché (but still funny) misdirection where Bilbo looks like he€™s about to tell Gandalf what he found, but also some concrete evidence the evil pull will be shown. We see Bilbo picking up the Ring in what looks like Mirkwood where the young hobbit looks more than a bit traumatised. Of course it may be related to some minor arachnophobia, but given the tears trickling down his face my money€™s on him being relieved to be in contact with his precious again.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.