The Hobbit Part 2: 10 Awesome Things We've Learnt From The New Trailer

3. Sauron Will Be More Than Just Alluded To

Sauron Along with the Ring, Sauron (here referred to as the Necromancer) was one of the key sources of dramatic irony in An Unexpected Journey; we know they€™re going to be a big deal while most of the characters regard them rather flippantly. We already knew Gandalf and Radagast will spend some time at Dol Guldur and that many elements of Sauron€™s rise from the Return Of The King appendices are going to play a part in the next six hours of Middle Earth, but the trailer gives us even more; we see the Eye of Sauron. It may just be stock footage used to pique fans interest (if Legolas didn€™t already do that), but if not, how bloody exciting is that? If Peter Jackson is to succeed in turning The Hobbit Trilogy into the first three parts of The Middle Earth Saga there has to be an overarching threat that€™s present in more than just a couple of standalone scenes and that little flash promises just that. I€™m still sceptical how big a role this will play, but I can€™t stop being simultaneously optimistic.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.