The Hobbit: The 10 Most Important Films That Led To It Being Made

2. The Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers

Two Towers There is an alternative universe not too different from our own where The Two Towers doesn€™t exist. When initially planning his Oscar winning trilogy, Jackson was set in his mind to make two films, splitting the plot of Tolkien€™s middle chapter between Fellowship of the Ring and Return of the King. Some evidence of this still remains in the finished film; both Boromir€™s death and Shelob€™s lair appear in the literary The Two Towers. This was changed, however, when New Line decided to extend it to a trilogy and thus a precedent was set. So even though it was Jackson and co who (allegedly) pushed for a third film this time, the genesis of the notion comes from New Line and The Two Towers. This will prove to have a large impact on the trilogy as we go on; even before considering the third film being added, there just isn€™t enough plot, even including the appendices, to create suitable films of this length. It was a mixture of the effect of this and Return of the King that has led to An Unexpected Journey being the plodding and empty film it is; not only is it a bladder testing length, but little happens It€™s likely that, assuming the originally planned two Rings films were a success, we€™d still be eagerly awaiting There And Back Again€™s December 2013 release. As it happens, there is one final major influence on The Hobbit; one that could spell a brighter future for the coming films.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.