2. The Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers
There is an alternative universe not too different from our own where The Two Towers doesnt exist. When initially planning his Oscar winning trilogy, Jackson was set in his mind to make two films, splitting the plot of Tolkiens middle chapter between Fellowship of the Ring and Return of the King. Some evidence of this still remains in the finished film; both Boromirs death and Shelobs lair appear in the literary The Two Towers. This was changed, however, when New Line decided to extend it to a trilogy and thus a precedent was set. So even though it was Jackson and co who (allegedly) pushed for a third film this time, the genesis of the notion comes from New Line and The Two Towers. This will prove to have a large impact on the trilogy as we go on; even before considering the third film being added, there just isnt enough plot, even including the appendices, to create suitable films of this length. It was a mixture of the effect of this and Return of the King that has led to An Unexpected Journey being the plodding and empty film it is; not only is it a bladder testing length, but little happens Its likely that, assuming the originally planned two Rings films were a success, wed still be eagerly awaiting There And Back Agains December 2013 release. As it happens, there is one final major influence on The Hobbit; one that could spell a brighter future for the coming films.