The Hobbit: The 10 Most Important Films That Led To It Being Made

3. Sherlock

Sherlock Not a film per se, but each episode of this cracking BBC TV series, coming in at a 90 minute run time, is essentially a movie in itself and is certainly one of the most cinematic series the Beeb has ever produced. It seems fitting that the reimaining of one British classic has had such an impact on the adaptation of another; not only does The Hobbit feature Sherlock€™s two leads in key roles, but Peter Jackson even adjusted the shooting schedule to ensure they both could continue to star in both. Martin Freeman was, before becoming war veteran John Watson, known primarily for playing Tim in the UK Office, showing way back in the early noughties his aptitude for balancing light hearted exasperation and genuine sentiment; two aspects necessary in bringing a younger Bilbo Baggin€™s to the screen. The titular sleuth wasn€™t left out either. Although his role in An Unexpected Journey is minimal, Benedict Cumberbatch will certainly make his presence felt in the coming films, playing both the jewel-encrusted Smaug and the mysterious Necromancer (who to non-Tolkien fans, is worth keeping an EYE on). With three of the key characters of the trilogy coming from one British series, it€™s fair to say Sherlock has proved to be a defining part of The Hobbit.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.