The Hobbit Trilogy: 10 Dumbest Moments

7. Every Scene Featuring Alfrid

Or €œGrima Wormtongue Lite€ as he has come to be known. The Master of Laketown's lackey Alfrid is quite possibly the most one-dimensional, yet oddly prominent character across the entire Middle-Earth saga. With an overly contrived appearance (monobrow = evil) and cliché motivations (nothing but money) there is literally nothing interesting about him.

What's particularly egregious about Alfrid is that in The Battle Of The Five Armies he has considerably more screen time than many of the dwarves - he probably even begins to rival Bilbo's! And all so audiences can watch him skulk around trying to steal money and cringe when he dresses up as a woman. What was his purpose?

Commonly found reading, sitting firmly in a seat at the cinema (bottle of water and a Freddo bar, please) or listening to the Mountain Goats.