The Hunger Games: 10 Massive Spoilers For The Final Two Movies

2. Katniss Has Children With Peeta

The centrepiece of pretty much every young adult franchise is some form of love story. For The Hunger Games, it was the turbulent and unconventional love triangle involving Katniss, Peeta and her best friend Gale that provided the emotional heart of the series. The Hunger Games was always a series that pushed its love story to one side in favour of the more intricate plotting involving the rebellion against the Capitol. However, for the fans, it was important to know whether Katniss elected to spend her life in the company of Peeta or Gale. At the climax of Mockingjay, Katniss is left in turmoil following questions over Gale's involvement in the final atrocity of the rebellion. She chooses to start a relationship with Peeta, who can bring stability to her life after the mayhem caused the moment she volunteered to take part in The Hunger Games in place of her sister. In an epilogue, it is revealed that the couple are living happily with two children. It is a satisfying conclusion to Katniss' story even if it isn't the rousingly romantic finale that some fans wanted. The Hunger Games was never going to end in a convenient and neat fashion and the romance narrative perfectly conveyed that.

Freelance film journalist and fan of professional wrestling. Usually found in a darkened screening room looking for an aisle seat and telling people to put away their mobile phones. Also known to do a bit of stand-up comedy, so I'm used to the occasional heckle.