The Hunt Review: 8 Ups & 5 Downs

2. It Leaves A Little Too Much Wiggle Room

Ethan Suplee The hunt
Universal Pictures

Having teased the fact that The Hunt doesn't really preach at you too much either way (it's a sort of catch-all parody of the human condition), there are going to be some who disagree with that vehemently.

Because the problem here is that the film is inherently provocative: it wants us to get pissed off or laugh at its outrageousness or hate the caricatures who feel all too real at times (because they ARE in a world where social media and circuses are increasingly one and the same thing). And it doesn't ALWAYS make it clear that everything in there is a joke.

That's why some have picked at it for giving Trump supporters or right wing extremists or racists or leftists or whatever "extreme" group you want to hate the right to feel like victims. A little more refinement in the script and it would have been perfectly balanced.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.