Edward Norton's draft of THE INCREDIBLE HULK gets a good spoilin' online!

lame duck director, a mediocre screenwriter, the movie has the benefit of a top notch cast with Edward Norton, one of my favourite actors, playing Bruce Banner. Norton is surprisingly a comic geek, but his casting was dependent on him doing a pass on the screenplay. Latino Review and IESB are running thorough breakdowns of Norton's script, so head on over to those sites if you want the details. Skimming through it seems we can expect more "Hulk smash!" less "Hulk has daddy issues." In years past unknowns have been cast in these superhero parts due to them being cheap and allowing directors to wheel out the "you won't believe a recognised actor in the part" schtick. People like Christian Bale, Robert Downey Jr and Norton add some credibility to these films. Though WATCHMEN has a load of B-listers in it (despite Zack Snyder promising otherwise) and JUSTICE LEAGUE will struggle to get top actors involved as most have already got their pre-strike films booked. Its good to see these properties I grew up with getting the A-star treatment from Hollywood, lets hope it continues. source - latino review, iesb


Will Reynolds hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.