The Joker Reveal: Reactions To Joaquin Phoenix's Killer Clown
6. A Weird Stevie Wonder Vibe
[Adam Clery]
Going to level with you here reader - which is an honour few have bestowed upon them - I have been through the emotional ringer with these Joker photos.
My first thought, upon seeing a screencap of the short Instagram video that first surfaced, was that he just looked like one of those tragicomedy masks that all stage school girls end up getting as a hip tattoo. I was not a fan.
But having a neb at the offending clip assuaged my fears. Admittedly the sight of him just rocking his head and smiling had, if anything, a weird Stevie Wonder vibe, but the moment his expression snaps back and his face drops was wonderful.
A tiny, tiny moment, and one that in the hands of most actors wouldn’t mean a thing, but if there is one thing Joaquin Phoenix is not, it’s most actors. Ultimately that was a reminder that whatever else happens with this movie, we’re going to get one of the most incredible character performances and I, for one, am here for it.