The League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen Remake: 13 Actors Who Should Be Cast

5. Tilda Swinton - Orlando

The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Reboot
Soda Films/DC

The immortal omnisexual member of the League might be the most likely to be cut from the film's core cast, but that would be a travesty, given how interesting a character the poet nobleman is. He was born male, changing to female at around 30, and living for 300 years without ageing (as part of a bargain with Queen Elizabeth).

In the League's mythology, Orlando is the lover of both Quatermain and Mina Murray, which would add an intriguing element. And that's exactly the kind of unexpectedness that Fox need to be open to: it's not enough to simply make a Victorian Avengers and ignore the eccentricities of the source. They must be part and parcel of the process.

Who Should Play Him/Her?

Well, Swinton has done beforehand, and to great success (in terms of the performance at least) and it would be a nice meta-casting to have her play the same character again. As Orlando in the 1992 adaptation of the same name, Swinton played all aspects of the character - the androgyny, the subtle masculinity and her femaleness - brilliantly, and she enjoys the kind of profile that would legitimise the film.

Plus it's hard to imagine anyone dealing with the gender-bending requirements of the character with quite such care or success as her.


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