The Lord Of The Rings: 11 Dumb Moments Everyone Ignores

3. The Two Towers/The Return Of The King: Legolas€™ Acrobatic Abilities

In The Two Towers, as the Rohirrim and the Warg-riders approach each other, Legolas is shooting arrows at them, picking off the goblins riding them. As Gimli approaches on horseback, Legolas does a swing move where he grabs the pommel of the saddle, swings under and on the horse€™s back. Later, during the battle of Helm€™s Deep, he uses a shield like a wakeboard, sliding down a flight of stairs, shooting Uruk-hai along the way. In Return of the King, during the Battle of the Fields of Pelennor, Legolas climbs the arrows stuck into the legs and sides of the oliphaunt rampaging through the Rohirrim. He swings and leaps all over the place, shooting arrows (accurately!) and killing the Haradrim and the mahout before bringing the beast down with a multiple spread, then gracefully sliding off and down the oliphaunt€™s foreleg without being crushed (or even getting a scratch). Basically, all this did was to turn Orlando Bloom into a CGI effect. While that was used to much greater (and believable) effect with Andy Serkis as Gollum, here it becomes a casualty of the uncanny valley.

Mr. Thomas is primarily a graphic artist for the San Antonio Express-News, but also finds time to write the DVD Extra blog for the paper’s website.