The Lord Of The Rings: 11 Dumb Moments Everyone Ignores

10. The Fellowship Of The Ring: The Sackville-Bagginses

While Gandalf is visiting Bilbo at Bag-End, an angry knock comes at the door. Bilbo hides in fright, whispering to Gandalf that it must be the Sackville-Bagginses, who want the house and who have never forgiven him for living this long. Later, during the party, Bilbo asks Frodo to hide him, as the Sackville-Bagginses are actively looking for him. A severe looking woman frowns as Bilbo and Frodo cower behind a curtain. These scenes are a quick favor to those who read the books and know of Bilbo€™s dealings with the Sackville-Bagginses. But to those who haven€™t read them, it€™s a moment that briefly inspires a moment of confusion, just as quickly forgotten.

Mr. Thomas is primarily a graphic artist for the San Antonio Express-News, but also finds time to write the DVD Extra blog for the paper’s website.