The Lord Of The Rings: Every Fellowship Of The Ring Member Ranked From Least To Most Powerful

7. Boromir

Lord of the Rings
New Line Cinema

Throughout the second half of Fellowship of the Ring, Boromir shows his skills with a sword and a bow, keeping many Orcs at bay. He also wields a great shield to protect him from enemies, and carries his signature Horn of Gondor to call for help whenever he needs it.

Boromir is also the first to teach the Hobbits how to fight, passing on some of his swordplay skills to less experienced fighters. As we've seen in previous entries, and will see in future ones, these Hobbits become capable fighters themselves, and their skills all trace back to Boromir.

The most impressive Boromir moment is when he single-handedly holds off a horde of Uruk-hai, which are basically orcs on steroids. Saruman created them to be more powerful than standard orcs, so his fight is an impressive act of heroism. Unfortunately, Boromir, like most of Sean Bean's characters, dies too soon, though he does save Merry and Pippin in the process.

Since he was the greatest warrior in Gondor at the time, we don't know how impressive Boromir would have seemed if we had the chance to see him in action more often. As it plays out in the trilogy, however, he simply doesn't accomplish as much as most of the Fellowship.


Richard C. Kraus (Richie to pretty much everyone) is an American college student and world record holder for most views of the 2015 film Ant-Man. He aspires to be a screenwriter, actor, and not tired.