The Mandalorian Changes Everything We Know About Boba Fett

2. Wait... Star Wars: The Clone Wars Reveals Jango WASN'T Mandalorian?

The Mandalorian Boba Fett

However, the comic that told Jango's origins (Open Seasons) was seemingly undone by a single line that originated in the animated series The Clone Wars. In the episode, The Mandalore Plot, Obi-Wan Kenobi travels to Mandalore tracking a Separatist saboteur who wore Mandalorian armour. When speaking to Mandalore’s Prime Minister Almec, he mentions the meeting he had with Jango Fett on Kamino, to which Prime Minister Almec replies:

“Jango Fett was a common bounty hunter. How he acquired that armour is beyond me.”

Mandalore was a very different place to the one that preceded it. Under the rule of the Duchess Satine, Mandalore had become a people of peace, adopting a more pacifistic approach to the galaxy. It would make sense for Almec to quickly distance the Mandalorian people from Jango, who opted for a much more violent lifestyle.

What’s more, from what we saw in The Mandalorian episode, The Heiress, those that were taken into Mandalorian society as Foundlings (or Children of the Watch) were considered to be religious zealots, cast out from traditional society. With Jango being a former foundling, during this new age of Mandalore, it’s but another reason for them to shun any connection that he may have with their people.

It's unlikely that was originally the intent of the retcon seen in The Clone Wars, but either way the episode cast doubt on both Fetts' Mandalorian status for a whole decade, until the second season of The Mandalorian came around.


Aspiring writer who talks a lot, and writes most of it down