The Mandalorian Changes Everything We Know About Boba Fett

1. Chapter 14 Restores The Fetts' Mandalorian Status

The Mandalorian Boba Fett

So why is the most recent episode of The Mandalorian such a big deal? Well, the devil is in the details.

First off, the chain code in Boba’s armour, formerly his father’s, confirms that Jango was originally a Mandalorian foundling. This makes him Mandalorian and by heritage, makes Boba a Mandalorian as well - in the same way that Din Djarin is Mandalorian. Both were taken into the care of the Mandalorians. Whether they were both Children of the Watch remains unconfirmed, but throughout this season, Din has been meeting Mandalorians from very different walks of life, which in turn will reflect how he chooses to live his.

If you break down the Chain Code even further, beyond what Boba tells Din, the translation also mentions “Concord Dawn” and “Mentor Jast”. This lines up with how Jango was depicted in Legends - born on Concord Dawn and taken in by Jaster Merrell. The chain code restores some of Jango's backstory that was lost when the old Expanded Universe was rendered out of canon. And while it's not confirmed whether this brings all of Open Seasons back into canon, with a name-drop like the Mandalorian Civil Wars, you know it’s not long before it's explored further in the Disney-era.

The Mandalorian Boba Fett Fennec Shand

Dave Filoni has already previously brought back elements of the old Expanded Universe that have since been de-canonised, like in Star Wars Rebels. Grand Admiral Thrawn and the Dark Troopers, both of which have now been either used or referenced in The Mandalorian, originally only existed in the old Legends. And now, Filoni and Favreau have done the same for the Fetts. It sets up the continuation of their story and gives Boba a place and purpose in The Mandalorian, rather than just as a supporting character in the backstory of something greater.

With a spin-off show already rumoured for Boba Fett (which seems all the more likely now), the restored Mandalorian status of the Fetts adds more to their story and character - past and present.

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