The Many Saints Of Newark Review: 7 Ups & 3 Downs
6. The Well-Placed Fan Service
Fan service is expected to be a part of any belated TV revival/spin-off, and how the balance of crowd-pleasing wink-wink Easter eggs is executed is extremely important.
The nods to the TV series aren't remotely subtle for the most part - there are more than a couple of comments about Tony not having the makings of a varsity athlete - but they are amusing if not genuinely satisfying more often than not.
Chase finds a delicate harmony between patting the audience on the back and reminding them of familiar series touchstones while also delving deep into a rich new story.
There was likely never going to be a Sopranos movie that wasn't at least slightly pandering, but honestly, the tips of the hat to the show's near-25-year mythos feel pretty damn earned for the most part. You're far more likely to laugh than groan at even the more on-the-nose references.