The Martian: 10 Reasons Why It's Better Than Interstellar

5. It Has A Wicked Sense Of Humour

When a person is isolated and tangled in a particularly defeatist position, there are usually two emotional responses which come into play: comedy and tragedy. We opt to break out in laughter at the preposterous nature of our predicament, or break down into tears as we reflect on our sudden hopelessness. Either way, this is what defines us as cognitive, free-thinking beings; it's the whole 'glass half-empty, glass half-full' optimism test. For a film so thematically tense, The Martian is beautifully poker-faced and reveals its pair of aces thanks to such brilliant injections of humour. In fact, it is one of 2015's funniest movies. A number of sequences provide entirely laugh-out-loud joy and these are even outside of the aforementioned disco tracks which populate. Rather than endlessly wallowing in self-pity and accepting fate, Watney is a deeply intelligent, forward-thinking individual; his smarts further his flurries of funny. Even when he is reaching out to NASA with the hope of detection, he does so with smart aleck sarcasm, proving that his harrowing scenario upon Mars does not render his personality. We believe this is an established character, a developed man; being stranded within the fringes of the galaxy is merely a technicality... Now do you remember laughing once during Interstellar, better yet, do you even remember cracking a single smile? Whilst some may have been left slack-jawed by the engrossing visuals early on, that is merely a reflection of impress, not entertainment.

Film and UFC obsessive with a passion for scribbling words about them. Avid NFL fan and big Chelsea supporter too. Film Studies degree graduate from the University of Brighton.