The Martian: 10 Reasons Why It's Better Than Interstellar

4. It Has Massive Rewatch Value

Many have likely watched Nolan's space saga a number of times as a means to decode, or you know, attempt to fully understand it's purpose and point, but it is unlikely that many rewatch purely for the fun of it. Interstellar is a major time commitment and large portions of its duration feel sluggish and expendable. The Martian is just as intelligent, just as expansive and just as immediate, but it is also a whale of a time in the process. Even at 141mins, Scott's latest has a breezy-cool aura surrounding it; making it feel both relatable and informative. Much of this is due to the high-wired balance of the detailing; included is physics, botany, math and chemistry - heavy subject matter which requires explanation. The winning formula is that not only do you buy everything you€™re being sold, but it€™s all treated with sunny glee. Watching Watney attempt to grow food sources upon a planet where nothing grows is equally thrilling as it is beguiling. These integral elements to The Martian's thematic design is what sets apart and furthers from a film like Interstellar. There is simply no doubt that across the next few weeks, Scott's film will be a box-office sensation; likely topping the core markets worldwide, and a number of those ticket sales will be audiences returning for rounds two and three. The same process will ultimately occur when it reaches home entertainment platforms in the coming months.

Film and UFC obsessive with a passion for scribbling words about them. Avid NFL fan and big Chelsea supporter too. Film Studies degree graduate from the University of Brighton.