The Matrix: 20 Things You Didn't Know

9. There Are Mistakes Galore

Will smith matrix thumb
Warner Bros/Pixabay

When Morpheus speaks to Neo while in The Construct, his sunglasses change between shots. In the first shot, the specs were blackened so the cameraman wasn't visible in the reflection during the sweeping shot. For all corresponding shots, Morpheus sports ordinary spectacles.

Although this is one of the more noticeable mistakes, there are a few others you may not have noticed. Thomas Anderson's company is spelt "METACORTEX" according to the front of the building but the interior's sign spells it as "META CORTECHS".

Several times, a gun completely changes in appearance. When Trinity blasts Agent Brown, her Beretta 92F changes to a Beretta 84F in-between shots. In the opening scene, a policeman's M16 rifle suddenly switches to a shotgun (which is a lot more noticeable when he shoots at her with a shotgun shell).

It just goes to show that just because The Matrix is regarded as a classic doesn't mean it's devoid of flaws.


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