The Matrix: 20 Things You Didn't Know

6. Some Unintentional Moments Worked Themselves Into The Film

Will smith matrix thumb
Warner Bros.

When Neo awakens in the real world and learns the life he had been living was a lie, he becomes hysterical and vomits on the floor before passing out.

Although Neo's reaction makes sense since he's clearly unable to process this revelation about the real world, it wasn't planned. On the day, Reeves was suffering from a stomach bug and puked while filming this shot.

This wasn't the only unintentional shot that was left in the final cut. As Neo and Trinity enter the elevator to save Morpheus, the camera pans back to display the aftermath of the shootout they just took part in.

After a few seconds, a chunk of one of the pillars falls off and smashes to the floor. The film crew had no idea this was going to happen but decided to leave it in.


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