The Matrix: 20 Things You Didn't Know

2. The Meaning Behind The Names

Will smith matrix thumb
Warner Bros.

Although many character's names in The Matrix have a double meaning, some of them are not as obvious as others. Morpheus is obviously named after the Greek god of dreams, which sounds logical since he refers to The Matrix as "The Dreamworld."

His ship, The Nebuchadnezzar, refers to a biblical king King who obsessed about a dream he couldn't remember. Cypher's name means "zero" and Neo's name is an anagram of "one", insinuating that Cypher is Neo's opposite.

Ironically, the crew member with the simplest name, Switch, probably has the most intriguing meaning. Originally, Switch was supposed to be depicted as transgender. The actress, Belinda McClory, was cast to only portray Switch in the real world.

When Switch entered The Matrix, the character would've been portrayed as male. So, why is this? According to Morpheus, a person's appearance is based on "a mental projection of your digital self" when they're plugged into The Matrix. Because Switch feels more comfortable as a male, this is how the character appears in The Matrix.

It's a pity the studio axed this idea because it feels like they missed the message of the entire story. You see...


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