The Matrix: 20 Things You Didn't Know

1. The Matrix Is A Transgender Allegory

Will smith matrix thumb
Warner Bros.

For two decades, fans of The Matrix have devised all sorts of theories to figure out its deeper meanings.

When the directors, Lana and Lilly Wachowski, came out as transgender, the idea that the sci-fi franchise was an allegory for transgenderism flourished. Although the filmmakers kept quiet on the topic for years, Lilly eventually confirmed this hypothesis is true.

Neo feels like he doesn't belong in the world and he's forced to live a lie. He takes a pill to help him embrace his true self, casts off his dead-name, and embraces his new identity as Neo. When phrased like that, it's bewildering that viewers didn't notice the allegory sooner.

The message would've be more obvious if Lilly was allowed to depict Switch as trans as was her original intention. However, she changed her mind, believing "the world wasn't quite ready yet".

Even though millions of viewers have analysed the Wachowski's sci-fi masterpiece to death, it's clear that The Matrix still has much to teach us.


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