The Mighty Ducks Cast - Where Are They Now?

1. Emilio Estevez - Gordan Bombay

Kenan Thompson/Russ Tyler The Mighty Ducks
Walt Disney Pictures

There would be no Mighty Ducks without Coach Bombay, and there would be no Coach Bombay without the Mighty Ducks. The team saved the man, and the man took the team to victory. It was the relationship that made the first movie so heartwarming and made all the better because Emilio Estevez was already an actor we had grown to love.

The 1980s were the decade where Estevez started his career, and arguably where he had most of his success. With movies such as Repo Man, Young Guns, The Breakfast Club, and Stakeout all under his belt, Estevez was on a path to superstardom, however, by the turn of the new millennium, Estevez began retreating from the limelight.

What started out as a career in front of the camera slowly turned into one behind the camera. After directing a couple of features in the early 1990s, Estevez became more of a regular director and in the past couple of decades has directed the movies Bobby, Public, and The Way. As well as reprising his role in the upcoming Mighty Ducks series on Disney+, it's been reported this year that he'll be returning to the director's chair for an unexpected but very welcome third installment in the Young Guns franchise.


Avid writer of nonsense. Can often be seen in his natural habitat watching far too many films and not enough TV. Occasionally plays on the Xbox and Megadrive whilst chastising himself for not writing more.