The Mighty Ducks Cast - Where Are They Now?

2. Shaun Weiss - Goldberg

Kenan Thompson/Russ Tyler The Mighty Ducks
Walt Disney Pictures

If somebody farted during The Mighty Ducks it was almost certainly Goldberg, and despite being toilet humour, it was always funny. Goldberg was the team's enigmatic goalie who didn't like actually getting pucks shot at him, but went on to be one of the best and most pivotal players in the team and featured in all three movies. Despite being one of the casts comedy anchors, there was very little funny about his future.

After the Ducks trilogy came to an end, Weiss had roles in a number of American television shows such as Mr. Rhodes and The Tony Danza Show. A stint on beloved cult classic Freaks and Geeks followed before roles began to dry up and appearances on the big and small screens all but disappeared. It wasn't long before the name Shaun Weiss just fell away into the cracks.

That was until 2017 when reports began to surface he had been arrested for petty theft and carrying controlled substances. A couple of years of crime and drug abuse followed before he was arrested once again in 2020 under suspicion of burglary and being under the influence of drugs. A frightening mugshot was released showing how badly his turn of fortune had affected him, and it seemed like he would be just another tragic story of a once-popular child actor.

Thankfully that was not the case, as close friends of Weiss and the general public rallied around him to get him the help he really needed, and he currently remains sober. Maybe it will be a fairytale ending after all.


Avid writer of nonsense. Can often be seen in his natural habitat watching far too many films and not enough TV. Occasionally plays on the Xbox and Megadrive whilst chastising himself for not writing more.