The Mummy 1999 Vs The Mummy 2017: Which Is Better?

9. Scare Factor

The Mummy Imhotep Ahmanet
Universal & Paramount

One word: scarabs. The original Fraser movie may have been fairly light-hearted, but it also wasn't afraid to get brutal on occasion, with the flesh-eating scarab beetles proving particularly disturbing. Some of Imhotep's kills were also rather unsettling for a PG-13 movie, and if that's not enough, he even rips out a dude's eyes and tongue. Nasty.

Comparatively, 2017's effort is really rather tame on the scares front: the horror aspect is toned down significantly, and though Sofia Boutella gives her damn best effort, the script, Kurtzman's direction and the overall tone of the film don't really add up to a remotely scary experience.

Winner: 1999 by a landslide. The new one doesn't even make much of an attempt to be creepy or scary.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.