The Mummy 1999 Vs The Mummy 2017: Which Is Better?

8. The Female Lead

The Mummy Annabelle Wallis Rachel Weisz
Paramount & Universal

Rachel Weisz endeared herself to audiences with her portrayal of Evie Carnahan in the 1999 movie. Weisz did fine work as the whip-smart Egyptologist who has to deal with half the movie's cast drooling over her, and though she proves resourceful and intelligent throughout, she does ultimately end up charmed by Rick.

Weisz is great in the part, and her popularity in the role is no more evident than the outrage that erupted when she was replaced by Maria Bello for the rancid third film.

Annabelle Wallis meanwhile plays archaeologist Jenny Halsey in the new movie, though she's basically just a generic love interest and damsel-in-distress, and it sure doesn't help that Wallis' performance is so thoroughly wooden and charmless.

Winner: It's hard to imagine many caring if Wallis was recast or Jenny was straight-up ditched from the next Mummy movie, so Weisz wins this one without even blinking.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.