The New Mutants: 10 Major New Details Revealed About The Marvel Movie

8. They Do Eventually Become The Team From The Comics

The New Mutants
Marvel Comics

Over the years, Fox taking liberties with the source material for their Marvel movies became the norm. Even Dark Phoenix, which was supposed to make up for the failings of X-Men: The Last Stand, featured a completely inaccurate, jumbled take on that story. As for The New Mutants, it's been apparent for a while now that it's not necessarily following the comic books.

The action takes place in a hospital for starters with a group of teenage mutants who just so happen to find themselves brought together by a common enemy, Dr. Ceclia Reyes (a hero in the comic books).

There's no X-Mansion, and no sign of Professor X, but the director was quick to assure fans that by the time this story ends, the team resembles the one they know and love from decades of adventures. "I'd say the movie ends with heroic acts of friendship that sort of make them be the New Mutants of comic lore," he teased. Of course, most fans will just hope that means some cool, comic accurate costumes!


Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.