The Nice Guys: 10 Reasons It's The Most Overrated Film Of The Year

5. Most Of The Good Stuff Was Spoiled In The Trailer

The Nice Guys Russell Crowe Ryan Gosling
Warner Bros. Pictures

Back in March of this year, I wrote an article about trailers for upcoming movies that I felt featured way too many spoilers, and even included The Nice Guys on the basis that it appeared as though lots of the film's best jokes had been given away in the pre-release material.

Whilst it might seem unfair to lambaste a film on the basis of its trailer, I genuinely believe that the overall impact of The Nice Guys was made lesser due to just how many great jokes and sight gags were spoiled in the marketing.

That hilarious scene with Ryan Gosling and the toilet door, struggling to point his gun at Russell Crowe; the pair standing in the hotel elevator, as a random guy finds himself hurled through a glass window; two guys falling from a height, with one of them landing in the pool, the other splatting on the floor... all this stuff was in the trailer, so these otherwise great jokes ended up being robbed of their joy.

It might've been okay had said jokes made up 25% of the film's best gags, but that didn't turn out to be the case; the trailers included all the funniest parts of the film, none of which had a chance to land with any degree of surprise. All that was left to do was smirk and nod knowingly whenever they occurred.


Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.