The Predator: 14 Easter Eggs & References Explained

6. All The Dialogue Callbacks

The Predator Trevante Rhodes

Even more so than the film's visual nods back to the original Predator, the new movie contains a ton of verbal callbacks to the '87 classic.

For starters, Casey calls the Predator a "beautiful motherf***er" upon seeing it, subverting the series' iconic "ugly motherf***er" reprise. In surely the most embarrassing reference, Nebraska shouts "Get to the choppers!" before the gang steals some chopper-style motorcycles. Oof.

Elsewhere, Baxley's Tourette's-induced "eat my p***" gag with Casey feels like a nod back to the several p***y jokes in the original Predator, which were of course spoken by Shane Black's own character Hawkins.

And right at the end of the movie, Quinn says "You ugly m..." before the Ultimate Predator grabs his throat, and once the upgraded alien is finally defeated, Quinn echoes Arnold Schwarzenegger's, "What are you?" before blasting the Predator in the face.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.